

Shady Shack, a new entrant in the sunglasses market, faced the challenge of establishing its brand identity and gaining visibility in a competitive industry.


  • Limited brand awareness.
  • Low visibility among potential customers.
  • Building trust in a new brand in the market.
  • Low sales.


1. Awareness Campaign Across Pan India

Initiated a comprehensive awareness campaign to introduce Shady Shack to a wider audience.

2. Sales Campaign Rollout

Special promotions, discounts, and limited-time offers were strategically employed to incentivize potential customers.

3. Catalog Campaign for Maximum Sales

Introduced a catalog campaign to showcase the premium sunglasses at affordable prices. Highlighted unique features, quality, and stylish designs to attract and engage the audience. This campaign became a key driver for increasing sales.

4. Remarketing for Cart Abandonment

Recognizing the importance of retaining potential customers, implemented a remarketing campaign specifically targeting users who abandoned their carts.


1. Impressive Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS)

  • The ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) experienced a significant boost, soaring from an initial value of 1 to an impressive 10. This indicated a substantial increase in revenue generated through the implemented campaigns.

2. Cost Per Click (CPC) Reduced Dramatically

  • The cost per click witnessed a remarkable reduction, plummeting by 5 times its original value.


  • Strategic awareness campaigns are crucial for new brands to establish a presence in the market.
  • Catalog campaigns serve as powerful tools for visually presenting product offerings and generating maximum sales.
  • Remarketing is a valuable strategy for re-engaging potential customers who abandon their carts, converting them into successful transactions.